Coach. Consultant. Speaker.
Hematologist to Nations!
Finding Work-Life Balance: My Journey to Success in Academic Hematology
Coaching: Unlocking Work-Life Balance and Personal Fulfillment
Navigating Abstract and Manuscript Submissions: Prioritizing Quality Over Deadlines
The Art of Execution, Maximizing Productivity and Achieving Work-Life Balance
The Power of Focus: Nurturing Your Career and Designing Your Life
Becoming a Hematologist: Embracing Sacrifice, Sharing Knowledge, and Making a Meaningful Impact
The Power of Clarity in Shaping Your Career and Life
Take Control of Your Sound
In the Beginning . . .
Introducing the Heme Consults Podcast for Women of Color in Hematology
TTP: Deadly but Difficult to Diagnose. Part I
Win at Life with the Help of a Coach
In Your Negotiations, Stop Wishing and Start Asking Questions
Before you Hit "Reply All" . . .
Reject Both Criticism and Praise. Instead, Ask for Data
The Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
Why do You Keep Saying "No" to Yourself?
Your Career: Not Your Baby; But a Machine to Serve Your Life.
For Women in Hematology
So You Want to Save the World . . .